
What does my sun, rising, and moon sign mean as a whole?

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My sun is Aries

Moon is Taurus

Rising is Gemini

but I don't know how to summarize all these characteristics




  1. go to to get a better understanding.

  2. You can't,since they all mean a totally different thing.

  3. With an Aries Sun you possess abundant creative energy and enthusiasm for life. Very brave, positive and competitive, you have natural leadership qualities. Obstacles are overcome by sheer physical courage. An enterprising nature, with a capability for seizing opportunities is a factor for success. Recklessness and arrogance are your worst traits. You can also be violent when roused. You value your freedom and independence, though this may be interpreted as selfishness by others. To develop your personality to its fullest potential, the main task is one of gaining complete control over the physical and emotional natures to avoid extremes of embarrassing behaviour. Likely occupations are those associated with military professions, engineering projects, the police or fire department, or any work which requires the control of fire and metals.

    Remember Sun(ruler of Leo) is exalted in Aries.

    Taurus Moon

    The Moon in Taurus gives you a quiet, persistent, determined, conservative and methodical temperament. It suggests that you require security, a stable home life and material possessions in order to achieve emotional happiness. Music, art and literature will have a soothing and calming effect upon your nature.

    Moon(ruler of cancer)is exalted in Taurus

    Genesis Ascendant

    Geminis are original and creative thinkers and tend to dominate their circles intellectually. They also have the power to visualize their ideas and express them scientifically. Since they tend to identify themselves with their ideas, their most dynamic form of expression is intellectual.

    Most likely your Sun is either 10th house (career , profesion) or the 11th house( Wishes & hopes)

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