
What does my teacher mean when she wants me to wirte about the "style" of a poem?

by Guest60328  |  earlier

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I'm writing an essay for my A-level english course but i'm really stuck. We're doing work on John Clare poetry. She wants us to write about the "style" of the poem but i don't fully understand what that means. Please help!




  1. google poem style

    different poem dudes write with rhymes. or like to follow a common theme.(like every other line has something special about it throughout the poem)

    also perhaps comment on what the dude likes to write about

    like robert frost liked to write about nature

    poe liked to write about dark stuff.

  2. For "style" it might help to think "type." What type of poem is it: a sonnet, free verse, a Quatrain, etc. There are all kinds of poetic forms.

    Next: What is the rhyme scheme, if it has one. Does it rhyme abab, cdcd or maybe aa bb cc dd in couplets?

    What is the theme? In other words, what is the poem about?

    What is the mood? Serious, joyful, humorous, etc.

    What is the meter, for example iambic pentameter, used in Shakespearean sonnets.

    Finally, you might mention the images, vocabulary and sounds. For example: alliteration, which is the same sound used as first letter of a group of words like "salt sands."

  3. Style, form:

    What meter,

    What syllable content per line

    What ryhme scheme...ABAB...ABAC...etc

    Is it 'formal' structure(an accepted form)....sonnet, free verse,etc.

    What is the 'style' that brings its meaning to the reader?

  4. Rhyme.

    how long the whole poem

    how long the line

    grouping how may lines each?

    Definition of ABC poem

    An ABC poem has a series of lines that create a mood, picture, or feeling. Lines are made up of words and phrases. The first word of line 1 begins with an A, the first word of line 2 begins with a B etc.

    Structure of Poetry

    The structural elements include the line, couplet, strophe and stanza. Poets combine the use of language and a specific structure to create imaginative and expressive work. The structure used in some Poetry types are also used when considering the visual effect of a finished poem. The structure of many types of poetry  result in groups of lines on the page which enhance the poem's composition.

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