
What does my time travel dream mean?

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here's a lil background....

ok i'm a 15 yr old who isn't much of an angel...i get in trouble alot , school is bad for me and things at home in the past were really crazy for me...i think it made me who i am now..i went through alot of stress in the of right now..i think things have calmed down compared to back then...the only real problem that i have right now is my schooling...&really stress about how my FUTURE is gonna be..

NOW...i recently had a dream about time travel. it was really weird. i remember that i went back in time to change things from my past...i also wanted to relive past memories....before i woke up i remember talking to someone...i told them what i wanted to do and for some reason they had said that they wouldn't want to change anything...that they loved their life just the way is was ...that if they were to ever go back into the past it would only be to relive things .

Was the person that i was talking to ME?

What does this dream really mean?




  1. Maybe you just regret some things in your past that you haven't accepted yet.

    Either that or you've beenw atching Back to the Future too much. ;-)

  2. wow..but weird...and probably mite be yu adn it mite mena somfin but yu no we all have dreams and some dreams comin tru is a sayin................and if yu have it again and again it mite mena somfin

  3. Suppressed feelings you want for yourself maybe?

    It sounds like you wanna change your troubled life.

    usually dreams come from everything around you movies,conversations, seeing someone or something strange, hidden feelings etc..... even if it was from months or even a year ago.  I take dreams as either a sign or just another way to see  things you couldn't see before .  

    I'm no expert but I did have some strange dreams that have waked me up literally and made me realize I had to get my S@#T together.    

    P.S. Think of it as yourself reminding you about things in a strange yet enlightening way. Anyway I hope this can help you in some small way. Toodles *;0)

  4. It only means that lately you've been stressing and worried about what the future holds for you, and you fear that your past will creep up into your future and you will not be living well..and your dream is telling you to forgive yourself and take the past experiences as lessons you had to go through in order to learn what you did... the whys.. dont worry you're going to be alright. if you want to change your destiny it starts by letting go of the past, and making responsible successful goals and choices for your future. Fate doesn't control your destiny, your choices do.. so get your buns out into the world and into the classroom and if you stick to your guns.. you will be successful.. and have a great story for your grandkids when your older.. and wiser.

  5. it means youre worried about your future because your conscious of the limiting of your own potential. be a good kid and listen to some david bowie.

    the person in your dream is your sub conscious trying to justify your negative actions to yourself

    you should live for the now and focus on what you are doing today. be positive and your future will be positive. thats the basic explanation of karma

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