
What does obama hunt, since Sarah Palin hunts caribou ?

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  1. He hunts for crack and a g*y lover who can keep a secret...preferably in the same evening.

  2. A clue.

  3. Fetuses

  4. Obama's wife will not let him hunt

  5. He hunts for ways to continue the smoke screen over the voters. Since He has nothing to offer it is necessary for the media friends and campaign staff to keep the spotlight on him while cutting off the microphone.  The only gun he can shoot makes babes not put food on the table.

  6. Obama hunts for suckers.

  7. Believe it or not, Obama, like most Americans does not hunt.  Most Americans do not own guns or drive pickup trucks either.

  8. Unaborted fetuses.

  9. Americans, he's been receiving training from Bill Ayers.

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