
What does odd ball reality tv contestant Germaine Greer have to do with feminism?

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Im clearly no match for your engaged mind Sash.




  1. Clearly, you do not actually 'read'.

    Try looking at her CV sometime, and then rethink your question ....and maybe you can engage your mind before mouth or / writing skills.


  2. In 1970, academic Germaine Greer wrote a book called the Female Eunuch.  At that time, it was considered a feminist bestseller.  Nowadays, though, some feminists consider her less a feminist and more of a hypocrite and a grandstander...and an attention w***e.  

    and what with her showing up on a reality show and publicly dissing Steve Irwin like she did? I tend to believe she is an attention w***e, too. I certainly don't think she has a lot of credibility these days as a feminist or as a person.

  3. You mean THE Germaine Greer (or 'Golly' as co-host Kenny Everett used to call her)? And THE Steve Irwin? The guy who made all those sci-fi films?

    What did I miss?

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