
What does one do if they,re one of the 3% who have failed their A levels?

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I failed my A level Psychology,which I have taken second time around,and now I feel like s**t,especially when the media have reported on record passes.




  1. Keep trying.

    A friend of mine failed his A Level English back in the 1950s - he needed A Level English for a new job in the 1970s - sat the exam and passed.

    Why worry?

    You are not ready to pass yet, but you will be in say a year.  Take a break and go off and do something else.

    Anything but Macdonalds. . . .if you know what I mean.

  2. One should study harder

  3. Retake the exam if it means that much to you,some people take their driving test dozens of times before they pass .Do not be downhearted

  4. Whilst I didn't fail the entire of psychology - I did much up a few modules - VERY badly, and had to take several retakes - in Maths and Geography too.

    I'm now at Sheffield University studying Psychology!!

    Like everyone else has said - don't give up. And DEFINITELY don't listen to the media - a load of idiots. They can never just say "Hey - Well Done today's Youth - You've tried hard!". When we get good results, it's apparently cus the subjects are easy - but we all know it isn't! I love to see THEM try A-Level Psychology.

    Makes me REALLY angry.

    But, the point is. I guess you need to take a sit down - try work out what it is you want to do, and what you CAN do - be realistic. But don't put yourself down too hard.

    If you wanted - ask for a re-mark. Get your paper back. See where it was you went wrong.

    Something worth having, is worth working hard for :-)

    Good Luck

  5. Don't give up .  You need to pick yourself up , you WILL nail it next time .   lol.

  6. keep trying. we all mess up sometimes. It took me several tries before i eventually passed my driving test, but eventually I did pass it. Just think about your strategy and keep persisting at it until something comes through for you-until you finally pass. You also need to stay positive because you don't want to go in with a defeated outlook on the situation already. Good Luck! :)

  7. well what is their to do?

    can you take the class over again???

    think about it, what can you do???

  8. You're not the only one, my son failed his and my niece who was expected to get As and Bs only got Cs.  Don't give up try again.

  9. ignore statistics from the media. if every1 passes they say the exams are too easy and if every1 fails then theyr not being taught well enough or they arent clever. never does the media say "well done". ignore them. a bunch of losers sitting in an office wondering how to annoy the world. theyre not professionals, they dont do the exams, they dont no hw hard the exams are (ive done my a levels i know theyr hard) so yeah, ignore them.

    you have two choices.

    1. do it again and just extra extra hard. get revision guides, read ur text book, go to study classes, ask ur teacher for extra work or help. i always did awful when a teacher would throw an essay title at me and expect me to do it wonderfully. so i would break the essay down and ask for help on HOW to answer the questions to the marking standards. the odds are u ARE smart enough to pass the exam, only the examining boards are different and u need to pass THEIR standards.u could get an A on OCR but fail EDEXCEL for example. research & ask!

    2. decide that maybe psychology isnt for u, pick something else. what about ur other subjects? how did u do with them? could u have a career tht involves ur better subjects? its not the end of the world. if u dont do well in the subject and its causing u to look down on urself, dont put urself through the stress and dissapointment. dont waste ur time and carry on ur life happy that u have other subjects and career opportunities to fall back on,

    i hope u do well in whatever you choose, and remember a levels are just one part of ur life =]


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