
What does one part (or 2 parts, 3 parts, etc.) mean when making a cocktail?

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What does one part (or 2 parts, 3 parts, etc.) mean when making a cocktail?




  1. If it's one part liquid A and one part liquid B, it usually means equal amounts of them. 2 and 3 parts would be double or triple whatever the first one was.

    A lot of times, it's a standard shot, unless it specifically says "so many" ounces or ML.

  2. Generally, for one drink, it means ounces or shots - one standard shot is one ounce. BUT, you can make it anything you want, as long as you use the same unit across the board. Meaning, if the recipe calls for two parts of one thing and three parts of another, you can't do two cups of the one thing and three teaspoons of the other because it'll be a mess! You have to use cups, or teaspooons, or kilos, or ounces for everything...

  3. Use whatever measure you want, but mix the recipe using the amount of "parts" (same measure) it calls for:   example:  1 part (cup) to 2 parts (cups) .... or 1 part (jigger) to 2 parts (jiggers).......You can make as much, or as little, as you want that way........

  4. The part is a can be any amount you want it to be, ounces, cups, gallons.

    A standard serving of liquor is a jigger or 1.5 fl oz. For your knowledge down the road you also have a pony which is .75 fl oz.

    If you have a drink that calls for 4 parts gin to 1/2 part vermouth you would use.

    4 parts (4 x 1.5 fl oz = 6oz) to 1/2 part (a pony or .75 fl oz) vermouth. Add an olive to that and you've go a d**n fine martini.

    Or say you want to make a s***w driver...

    2 parts OJ to 1 Part Vodka.

    3 fl oz of OJ to 1.5 fl oz Vodka.

    Now what if you want to make a lot of it for a change the variable.

    2 parts OJ to 1 Part Vodka.

    Would become:

    2 Gallons OJ to 1 Gallon Vodka.

    Get it?

    I think I may have confused myself.

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