
What does one play against the queens gamit..(my favourite as white)?

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The thing i hate about chess is mastering all those openings. fine i have developed tactics and all but mastering those variations?????? huh... what are the right channels to follow?




  1. Well, personally I sidestep the whole thing by playing the King's Indian.  But if you're going to answer 1... d5, I like the Slav.  It's not dull like the usual QGD bit.  Unfortunately though, it's very tactical, so that means you've got all those variations to sort through and at least semi-memorize.  I agree--openings study is one of the least appealing things about chess (maybe even worse than all those tedious endgames).

  2. Hi,

         You may like to visit my chess web page - link below?  Lots of tips and advice.......



  3. As black, play 1...Nf6, the beginning of the Indian defences, and avoid the queen's gambit altogether. You can play the Nimzo-Indian, The King's Indian, the Grunfeld, etc.

    The Nimzo is a good choice if you don't like learning heaps of lines, since to some extent you can play it on general principles once you know the main ideas behind the opening.

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