
What does one wear to a restaurant in paris?

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i want to know for different kind of restaurants; casual, fancy, etc.




  1. My Parisian friend took me to dinner at a mid-price restaurant on one of my visits.  He wore very dark jeans, a t-shirt, and a trendy sweater.  He said that people wear jeans everywhere now, even the opera.  In case you're wondering, I wore a nice sweater and dark slacks.

  2. same thing you would wear in your country.  Unless you're at Foquet's or La Duree, people do not expect you to dress nicely.  Of course, you'll never be turned away but you might be treated better if you did not wear shorts and sneakers too much in the evening.

    Rose T has a great example of what to wear... My usual attire (even in very nice places like Foquet's) is:

    dark jeans, white or dark-stripe shirt untucked, black dress shoes, and a sport jacket (black or navy).  

    Black is very "in" still in Paris so you can't go wrong with black shirts, jackets, etc.  But not too much (mix it up a bit).  You might want to go shopping at Printemp and pick up something unique to wear out in the evening.  Boots are very big of course for women.  Big black leather boots with heels... it's a bit much for the U.S. but very common in Paris.  But comfortable sensible shoes are also very popular here for women (those ballet slipper-like shoes are very popular still).  Jeans with a skirt worn over them is very trendy lately.

    But, when going out to a nice night club you will need to have more formal attire (for a guy).  Just no jeans basically whether guy or girl when going to nicer night clubs.

  3. If you're an American, all I'd say is avoid those awful white shoes and socks you all seem to wear. It's like having a sign around your neck saying, "I'm an American!"

    Otherwise, for most places, just what you'd normally wear would be fine.

  4. Except for a few very expensive palaces of gastronomy you will find that casual dress is perfectly acceptable.

    Standards of dress in Paris really aren't all that different than those in the United States although the French do tend to be a little bit more dressy than Americans generally.

    Being older than most people on this website I tend to wear basic "business casual" most of the time anyway. My standard evening outfit consists of gray flannel or khaki slacks (depending on the season), Oxford cloth shirts, and either Harris tweed or basic blue blazers. In most places I go this is usually overdressing.

    Here is a little video from Parsi Zoom TV showing the scene at my favorite restaurant. Check out what people are wearing.

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