
What does paranormal mean?

by  |  earlier

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I know this sounds silly but this is a new word for me.

Also would this define me experiencing paranormal?

Sometimes when i almost drift off to sleep... but not fully alseep at the moment I hear voices. Sometimes it could be someone having a converation, or it could be that I hear a knock or tap noise. But....when it happends.... im just lying in bed with my husband and he'd be sleeping and the t.v. would be off. I just dont understand why i hear these things as im in the middle of drifting off to sleep. I know im still awake.




  1. Paranormal means out of the norm/ordinary.

    You may just be recalling a earlier conversation you may have had or overheard sub-conciously.The brain works in mysterious ways and is affected by all environmental factors whether they are registered by the concious mind or not.

  2. Paranormal means not normal.  Not ordinary.  Sounds paranormal to me!

  3. Wiki knows EVERYTHING !! lol

    You're probably hearing spirits. I'm not sure if this means they're there with you...or maybe you're just picking them up from somewhere else or another dimension. I'm just guessing..which is just about all we can do..esp. since we usually can't see them. If you start to get paralyzed while you're sleeping..then that's called "sleep paralysis" which is not supposed to be paranormal..but I'm not sure if I believe that yet.I'll find a link for it. You can decide for yourself. Sometimes I wonder if maybe we don't enter another dimension or something when we start to fall asleep..or just waking up..but that just a far out idea I thought of in trying to find an answer for this thing that happens to so many people.  Hang around here..and also go to Discover Resolved Questions and you'll find out more about the paranormal

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