
What does paraphsycology mean?

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What does paraphsycology mean?




  1. Parapsychology is the study fotr of the evidence for psychological phenomena such as telepathy,

    clairvoyance,and psychokynesis,that are inexplicable by science,also is the branch of psychology concerned with study of extrasensory perception and psychical experiences.

    ("The base of our normal intelligence is the brain but the foundation of supernatural powers is the mind.")

  2. Parapsychology (from the Greek: para, "alongside" + psychology) is the study of paranormal psychological phenomena, such as extra-sensory perception, psychokinesis, and survival of consciousness after death.

  3. Paranormal Psychology: Studying things that are paranormal such as ghosts, aliens, MIB's, etc..

  4. Parapsychology (from the Greek: para, "alongside" + psychology) is the study of paranormal psychological phenomena, such as extra-sensory perception, psychokinesis, and survival of consciousness after death. Those who study such phenomena in the field of parapsychology are known as parapsychologists. Psi is a general blanket term used by parapsychologists to describe these processes without suggesting how the phenomena are caused or experienced

  5. parapsychology is the study of mental phenomena which are excluded from or inexplicable by orthodox scientific psychology, such as hypnosis and telepathy.

  6. It's a fine example of pseudo-science.

  7. Using our brain 100%...........

  8. that is when you have two psychologist. you know a pairapsychlogist. Budump bump

  9. the study of the paranormal.

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