
What does payroll mean in temp staffing solutions?

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What does payroll mean in temp staffing solutions?




  1. first of all, i would like to get clarity myself with the temp staffing concept. This might not be the straight answer to your question. But i would like to make an attempt for getting a clear picture myself.

    Temp staffing is deploying man power through the third party agency for our business.Temp Staffing is done in order to overcome the expense and time spent on Recruitment. In temp staffing, the company need not worry about the attrition rate, anyway it is the head ache of the temp staff provider.

    Coming to your question, another valid point where the company has advantage in using the temp staffing is the Payroll management. The payroll structure works in the Reimbursement model. It's a cyclic action. First the third party pay the temp staff, it raises the Demand note and sends it to the Company HR. The Company HR approves it and adjusts with the outstanding overheads with the vendor. Thus this is how the pay structure in the temp staffing.

    Henceforth, i have made an attempt to understand myself about temp staffing as we are planning to implement in our company too. With regarding  to this, further explanation would help me to build my knowledge on this.

    Thank you.

  2. Accounting, probably logging invoices or something.  Not bad work.  Accounting departments are usually understaffed.  Show up every day and try to do a good job and you can be kept on.

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