
What does peter singer says about global warming?

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What is peter singer's opinion towards global warming?

Also what is David Bellamy's opinion towards global warming?




  1. google, david bellamy george monbiot, to find out what his position is, he believes that water vapor is more dangerous, which it is, dont know about singer though

  2. Singer accepts that it's real, and mostly caused by man.  He's an ethicist, and is concerned over the fact that highly developed nations cause most of global warming, while underveloped countries are most at risk from it.

    Bellamy is a botanist who doesn't know much about climatology or atmospheric physics.  To him CO2 is just plant food.  

    His views are so clearly unfounded that wildlife organizations he was important in have distanced themselves, rather than be tainted by his unscientific views.  For example, he wrote a letter to Newscientist magazine, in which he copied a right wing blog statement saying most glaciers were advancing.  That was nonsense, as he was forced to admit publicly later.  In doing so, he announced that he would no longer be involved with global warming, which has also proven to be a false statement.  He's back at stating the nonsense.  He recently published a paper on it - in a journal of Civil Engineering, an extremely strange place to publish it.

    Ben O - I don't think he's morally wrong, I think he's scientifically wrong.  I have a LOT more (and better) company than he does on that issue.

    Being a "skeptic" on global warming is like being a new Earth creationist.  Suppose the Royal Astronomer gave a press conference and said he believed NASA had faked the moon landings.  Should he keep his job?

  3. never heard of these dudes, but if you are concern about global is really a water issue, lack of water on the planet, that is fresh drinking water.

  4. David Bellamy has paid professionally for expressing his opinion on climate change because a lot of people like Bob for example think that expressing these sorts of opinions is morally wrong.  

    Being a skeptical scientists is a bit like being a Marxist during the McCarthy era.

  5. who is peter singer

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