
What does picking Palin say about whether McCain puts country first?

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The most important job of the VP is stepping up to be President, if need be.

There are clearly MANY Republicans (including women) more qualified to do that.

Did McCain put country first? Or was this simply a political decision?




  1. If it was simply a political ploy,he would've chosen some one pro choice.  And she has executive experience.  Perhaps,you should've thought about others more qualified then Obama.

  2. They changed the slogan for their convention to

    Politics First

  3. it was a blatant pandering attempt to woo the hillary vote and most intelligent women i have talked to say they are insulted. That is for women to decide. What scares me (and i think many women) is sarah believes ALL abortion should be banned, including cases of rape or incest or the mother's life is threatened. Wow.  

  4. You must, first, get elected to do anything. Sarah Palin's has several obvious traits and experience as a state governor, like Ronald Reagan, and has a record showing that she believes in cleaning up corruption.

    Good for you, good for me. Get some.

  5. Well at least Palin is more qualified than Osama....I mean Obama

  6. simply political.  AND she is pretty hot too!

    can you say "affair?"

  7. Senator Kay Bailey Hutcherson of Texas comes to mind.

  8. Ambition First

    Country Last

  9. I assume then that you will be putting country first and voting against Obama.


  10. He's putting cuntry first.

  11. McCain hasn't put his country First for about seven years.  If McCain put his country First then he will be OK with bring home the troops.

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