
What does....? plz help!!!?

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what does liturgical mean? in band we play liturgical fanfare and everyone wants to know what liturgical means but my band teacher wont tell he challenged us to find out so thats why i wanna know, no one knows still...

~what does liturgical mean!?!




  1. li·tur·gic. - adjective

    1. of or pertaining to formal public worship or liturgies.  

    2. of or pertaining to the liturgy or Eucharistic service.  

    3. of or pertaining to liturgics.

    also see liturgy

    1. a form of public worship; ritual.  

    2. a collection of formularies for public worship.  

    3. a particular arrangement of services.  

    4. a particular form or type of the Eucharistic service.  

    5. the service of the Eucharist, esp. this service (Divine Liturgy) in the Eastern Church.  

    hope this helps!

  2. liturgical  


    Main Entry: li·tur·gi·cal  

    Pronunciation: \lə-ˈtər-ji-kəl, li-\

    Function: adjective

    Date: 1641

    1 : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of liturgy

    2 : using or favoring the use of liturgy <liturgical churches>

    — li·tur·gi·cal·ly  \-k(ə-)lē\ adverb

    1. of or pertaining to formal public worship or liturgies.  

    2. of or pertaining to the liturgy or Eucharistic service.  

    3. of or pertaining to liturgics

  3. You know you could have just googled the word liturgical or got to, but you chose to loose 5 points and give 10 points to the person with the best answer. h**l, you could have even looked it up in a dictionary. So, I find that i am Obliged to answer your question properly and not just copy and paste a dictionary entry.

    Here is my answer.

    When your teacher says you play liturgical fanfare it means that your fans Worship you.

    So it is a compliment.

    HE is saying that your music is worth being worshiped by people.

  4. It is a ritual, tradition, or prescribed rite for a public religious service.

  5. something to do with church

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