
What does preemptive thinking mean?

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"The fallacious notion that what has happened before will happen again generages "pre-emptive thinking" intended to prevent its recurrence."

1. What does preemptive thinking mean?

2. What does preemptive thinking mean in this sentence?




  1. it means to anticipate a problem and take steps to prevent it happening

    the word 'preemptive' is most commonly paired with 'strike' so you'll hear news reports of a country making a preeemptive strike against another - so for eg if india knew pakistan was about to attack them, india might attack pakistan first - that would be a preemptive strike.

    It relies on reasonable certainty that something is going to happen and so let's get in first - do unto others before they do you kinda thinking -

  2. "preemptive" means anticipatory or preventive, so in your sentence "preemptive thinking" means that the false notion that what has happened before will happen again

    makes one think ahead and think of a course that will not make this belief a reality.

    For example, if you have a small child that you drop off at the babysitter every day and that child screams and cries when you leave her (this being something that happens over and over again), preemptive thinking would make you think ahead about this situation and help you think of ways ahead of time that would stop this from recurring (maybe allowing her to bring a special toy from home or something).  It's thinking ahead to change a pattern.

  3. 1- Preemptive means something that is designed or having the power to deter or prevent an anticipated situation or occurrence.... preemptive thinking means thinking over or using or exercising the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments

    2- profound thinking....

  4. 1. Anticipating an action by another that might result in loss and planning a similar action first.

    2. Assuming that this action is going to happen, and thinking of taking preventative measures before it does.

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