
What does prestidigitation mean ???

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  1. Literally, fast fingering. Hence the performance of visual illusions as performed by "magicians" and card-sharps, etc..

  2.    1. Performance of or skill in performing magic or conjuring tricks with the hands; sleight of hand.

       2. A show of skill or deceitful cleverness.

  3. Sletight of hand commonly practised by stage magicians is called prestidigitation.

  4. skill in performing magic

  5. It is a term used by magicians, and it means "slight of hand".  

  6. conjuring: sleight of hand used in performing magic tricks  ( formal or humorous  )

    [Mid-19th century. < French< prestidigitateur "person practicing sleight of hand" < preste "nimble" + Latin digitus "finger"]

       1. A performance of or skill in performing magic or conjuring tricks with the hands; sleight of hand.

              My favorite prestidigitation was when he pulled the live dove out of that tiny scarf.

       2. A show of skill or deceitful cleverness.

              His writing was peppered with verbal tricks and prestidigitation.

    Performance of or skill in performing magic or conjuring tricks with the hands; sleight of hand.

    A show of skill or deceitful cleverness.

    [French (influenced by prestigiateur, juggler, conjurer, from prestige, illusion), from prestidigitateur, conjurer : preste, nimble (from Italian presto; see presto) + Latin digitus, finger; see digit.]

    PRESTIDIGITATION (from Lat. praesto, ready, and digitus, finger), the art of conjuring by nimble-fingered dexterity, particularly as opposed to the use of mechanical devices (see Conjuring). The Latin praestigium, illusion, praestigiae  tricks, and praestigiator, juggler (from prae, before, and stingere, to prick), cover the same meaning though differently derived.

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