
What does priority date mean?

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applying for FAFSA, dont know what is the priority date

is it the deadline




  1. For FAFSA there are two 'due' dates (although you can submit it any time.)

    The priority date is in March, the people who submit by the priority date are put on top of the list, so to speak to get financial aid.

    The second 'due' date is May 1st for the 2008-2009 year, and if you submit by then, you will probably get aid- although not as much as you would have if you had gotten your FAFSA in before or during March.

    Financial aid is on a first come first serve basis so that is why it works like this. If you submit after May 1st, you may miss out on most financial aid. You will probably miss out on your state funded aid also (there is a link somewhere on FAFSA's site telling you the state deadlines- some are later like in June though.)

    So pretty much, the goal is to try your best to get your taxes and such done before mid-March and get your FAFSA in before then also. Then you will be pretty much guaranteed to get all of the aid you can possibly get.

    After that, and a good bit of it is gone.

  2. Its just like the deadline.

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