
What does putting a pan of water on your window a/c do?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for a home remedy to keep an air conditioner defrosted in very hot temps.




  1. a pan of water does nothing or you. you will need to clean out the back of the unit at the car wash. then add freon in the unit.

  2. Nothing at all!

  3. If your AC is frosting up no matter what the temp(unless very cold) it is due to your unit having a low freon level.  You should have the unit serviced and charged.

  4. a pan of water does nothing for your ac,if your ac needs defrosting, something is wrong with the ac,like needing freon.

  5. If the coil is clean and the filter is clean put a floor fan about four feet in front of the unit to push the cold air away from the front, if it recirculates the cold air this will freeze up the unit too.

  6. clean the filter...A/C's only freeze if overworked. Being too small for the area and staying on for a long time without cycling off will make it freeze and dirty filters or not enough freon will cause it to freeze and shortly after freezing it will freeze up...

    The pan of water is for humidity...

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