
What does......?

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What does E=MC2 Mean? I know its the science of Realativity by Albert Einstien but what does it mean??




  1. it is an equation by Albert Einstein showing that energy and mass are interchangeable.

    E is energy

    M is mass

    C is the speed of light

    thus energy equals the amount of mass multiplied by the speed of light squared.

    hope this helps.

  2. This provides the relationship between mass and energy.  Basically is shows that mass can be turned into a great deal of energy (like in the sun or an atomic bomb) and vice versa (macroscopic examples welcome).

  3. For very very small particles, the total energy that can possible be extracted is equal to the mass of those particles and the square of the speed of light. Basically it explains the perceived decrement in mass when particals undergo nuclear reactions, showing that the missing mass was totally converted into energy (heat, light, sound).
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