
What does " klatscht gleich, aber keinen Beifall, Frollein!" mean in english?

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What does " klatscht gleich, aber keinen Beifall, Frollein!" mean in english?




  1. It means that whoever is saying it is about to slap you (I guess not literally, but anyway). The applause thing is just a word play. "to give applause" would be "klatschen" in German (or "applaudieren", which is more elegant, but less used), and to slap someone in the face in German slang is "jemandem eine klatschen", because of the sound it makes.

    so translating your sentence, I would say: "There's soon gonna be a slap, but it wont be applause, girl!"

    Frollein = Fräulein, a term hardly used anymore (it's become politically incorrect to distinguish unmarried from married women by the title you call them, so all women are now "Mrs", wether they are married or not).

    Hope that helped.

  2. You are subject to be hurt soon, but no applause, young lady.

  3. "frackeled" is right. Except I do hear a lot of Fräulein when in Germany..

  4. Dear Mya...

    Freckled has "beaten me to it"...cause she gave an "extended" explanation, which was great! YES, it does mean :"it slaps soon, but no applause, Miss"!

    Send you best greetings from Germany.... Annette***

  5. It has to do with these words.


    hope this helps

    and slaps the same, but no applause

  6. it soon slaps, but no applause, young lady!

    Es klatscht gleich, aber keinen Beifall, Fräulein!

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