
What does "Deutschland, warten Sie minen Kommen beschdimt!" mean?

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I don't know German. So I need to someone to help me translate it into English.




  1. It might be written as:  Deutschland, warten Sie meinen Kommen, bestimmt  =  Germany, await my coming (arrival), definitely.

    Or:  Deutschland,  warten Sie, mein Kommen bestimmt  =  Germany, wait, my arrival will decide (this)

    Bestimmen can mean: determine, define, decide.

    Hope this helps you.

  2. Actually this does not mean anything...

    I u meant "Deutschland, warten Sie meinen Kommen bestimmt"

    it still does not mean anything, but at least the words make sense and exist , even though this sentence contains no grammar at all ;)

    Germany Deutschland

    Wait warte(n/..)

    You Sie

    My mein(e/n..)

    Coming Kommen

    For sure bestimmt

    So a connection would be good to answer the question 100%ly in ur particular context.

    But I guess it might have sth. something with so to do with a trip to Germnay?!

    maybe something like,

    Deutschland, warte, ich komme bestimmt!

    Germany, wait! I am coming for sure...

    I think this is a phrase somebody got from babelfish etc...;)

  3. Just exactly what it says.

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