
What does "Family" mean to you?

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Please explain in detail what is important to you about your family and why?




  1. People you live with and have some sort of financial ties and/or strong connection to.  

  2. wells,to me it's the people you love and care about =D.

  3. Nothing.  Mine was so extremely dysfunctional.  My father drank, my mother beat the kids.  It was mentally and physically abusive for years and years.  I have brothers and sisters that finally got out of the house years ago, and I don't know where they are or what they are doing.  I always wished I have a family to go home to, to talk to, to be with.  It's something I will never, ever have.  

  4. family 2 me doesnt mean someone who is a blood relative

    family is someone that u love and loves u and is always there for u and will be there for u no matter what ever happens  

  5. What family means to me is love and someone that will always be there for you through the good times and the bad.  It is about encouragement, understanding, hope, comfort, advice, values, morals, ideals, and faith.  These things are all important to me because it makes me feel secure and happy inside regardless of what is going on in my life.

  6. family is anyone your blood related to or anyone your close to. your best friend can be considered your family. its anyone you cant live without. its the people that help get you through the day. its someone you can talk to when you need help advice or to just plan vent to. some one you spend your time with. its anyone you love or consider family even if they aren't blood related.

  7. Parents, cousins, relatives, grandparents,

  8. a family is reckless and loving. Family is there when you need them and family is listening when you have no one to turn to. Family is a lot like friends, only when they get mad at you, they can't change the fact that they love you and that they will always be related to you. Basically, Family =love

  9. Family means that no matter what you're in it together, and till the end. It means that no matter how many times you may argue with your parents, sisters, or brothers, deep down you still have that unconditional love for them and if any one tries to step on any of them, you'll be the first to stand up and defend them. It means that you never let them stand alone, they come first. It means that you are getting unconditional love and that there's someone out there who knows when you hurt, and fell when you haven't said a single word. That my friend is family-knowing that there's no place like home, and even if the world has turn its back on you, home is the place you can go and find someone who will hold your hands through it all...

  10. my family is EVERYTHING to me.. they've been with me through everything, they've stuck with me more than any 'best friend' or anyone could ever do.  i know they're the people that will ALWAYS be there for me for love and support and i can trust them with anything in the world

  11. Family is any group of people (regardless of size) that have common interests.   Thus, it doesn't necessarily mean related biologically.  A group of roommates who have become friends with common interests is a sort of family, as well.

  12. No one gets left behind (Lilo & Stitch)

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