
What does "I will have been eating" mean?

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maybe a sentence would help me understand...thanks




  1. This is a sentence in plus quam perfect. English language recocknises it but no one really uses it.

    "The pluperfect tense (from Latin plus quam perfectum more than perfect), also called past perfect in English, is a perfective tense that exists in most Indo-European languages, used to refer to an event that has completed before another past action."  

  2. it dosent mean a thing just a load of in proper grammer

  3. if you translated it maybe it means           i already ate.

  4. There was a comedy show on BB2 (UK) a few years back called The Fast Show.

    One of the characters on that had a catch-phrase "This week, I have mostly been eating (insert weird food type here)" - maybe it comes from that?

  5. I can help you with that also i am Haitian but they teach us how to speak french in Haiti

    I will have been eating?

    le plus souvent quand quelqu'un utilise " I will have" ca veut "je serai"

    so you got that part right

    "have been eating"  - Deja en train de manger.

    I will have been eating - Je serai deja en tain de manger.

    English is different from French in certain ares because they are not as closely related as Frech is to Spanish or Italian who are Latin Languages.

    par example en Anglais tu peux "creer" des lverbes.

    je donne de l'eau aux plantes - I water my plants

    Tu vois "donne de l'eau " est remplace part I water.

    Derniere chose

    Wearing, eating, dancing. Tous ces mots la ont - ing a la fin

    Ing n'est pas present en Francais mes en anglais quand tu mets ca dans un verbe c'est en train d'insiters le fait qui est en train de ce passer.

    En Francais ce qu'on utilise pour remplacer - ing est la phrase "en train"

    I am eating - Je suis en train de manger

    Bonne Chance

  6. At some point in the future (projected from now) I was eating, on an on-going basis, something.

  7. If some one planned to be in their new house by Jan 1, '09, they might also say, "By the time spring arrives, I will have been living there for 3 months".

  8. Nothing. Somebody is stupid.

  9. the sentence is not correct, "will" should be "would". Conflict in tense.

  10. It's not common to see those verb tenses like that. I guess I could see this working in a sentence like "By 8 pm I will have been eating dinner for 2 hours without a break"

    Here's a website that explains it a little.

  11. I will eat without stopping for a quite long time..

  12. well to give an example say it's lunch time today, and we haven't eaten yet, I might say "by this time tomorrow, I will have been eating".  to say that, in the future I will already have started eating.  

  13. Bon Jour. This tense is called future perfect continuous. It is not used very often because it sounds rather strange. Anyway, it means that when a certain period in the future arrives, another future action will be in progress for some time. For example: I will start a new job in September, so when March 2009 arrives, I intend to continue working in the same place, and I can tell you that in March 09 I will have been working in my new job for 6 months. I hope this brief explanation was of any help.

  14. Future Perfect

    It means that you ate during a time before a given event in the future. Something like "Je aurai mangé".

  15. I'm going to a wedding next Saturday. By the end of the day I will have been eating loads of stuff from the buffet....

    Terrible grammar, though. "Will have eaten.." would be better.

  16. By the time I'm 70 I will have been eating solid food for over 69 years.

  17. What is your native language? It's easier to just translate it into your language than explain it...

    Edit: Ah, okay. I believe then that this verb tense is called "futur antérieur" in French, and goes like this: "J'aurai mangé."

    More information about that:

  18. By 2010 I will have been eating small dogs for 18 months.

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