
What does "Nine months supervision order" mean exactly? ?

by  |  earlier

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I was just wondering how this worked practically and how serious this was. The specific case in question involves someone hurting a 17 year old and a female.




  1. It means weekly appointments have to be kept with an allocated probation officer. If the appointments are kept and probation are happy with you then they may reduce the appointments to fortnightly or monthly. Probation are extremely strict and any missed appointments will immediately go down as a breach and you will have to return to court. Committing a number of breaches (depending on your probation officer) can result in a custodial sentence. Keep your appointments cos this is serious.

  2. for the next 9 months the person will have to attend meeting with the a probation officer or someone from the young offenders team, a  contrat will have be made between them. they will attend weekly meeting.

    if the person breaks the order they will go back to court,

  3. It means attending appointments for the next nine months and being answerable to the Youth Offending Team for one's general behaviour and doing as directed by them. It is less a punishment than a recognition that the young person concerned needs sorting out before his/her behaviour gets completely out of hand.

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