
What does "Premier League in to works" mean?

by Guest61607  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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Premier League has been involved in community works since long,I just came through "Premier League in to works" and I want to know about this initiative of Premier League?




  1. spikerdude843

    "Premier League clubs are set to provide hundreds of unique training opportunities for jobseekers.Employment Minister Jim Knight announced the launch of the initiative at Chelsea's Stamford Bridge stadium on Tuesday alongside Richard Scudamore, Chief Executive of the Premier League, and Jon Sheehy of The New Football Pools.



  2. spikerdude843

    Premier League clubs are set to provide hundreds of unique training opportunities for jobseekers.Employment Minister Jim Knight announced the launch of the initiative at Chelsea's Stamford Bridge stadium on Tuesday alongside Richard Scudamore, Chief Executive of the Premier League, and Jon Sheehy of The New Football Pools.


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