
What does "Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child" mean?

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What does "Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child" mean?




  1. It means if you don't discipline your child you are neglecting your parenting duties by not enforcing rules and letting the kid be the parent and instead of the adult being in charge and laying down the law. If you start letting the kids do whatever they want starting at a young age your setting yourself up for problems because they will grow not respecting authority so if they do wrong spank them and there is a difference between spanking and beating.

  2. If you're not beating your kids you're spoiling them.

  3. It means that if you don't discipline your child you'll end up with a spoiled brat.

  4. Basically by not beating your child you are spoiling them.  

  5. if you dont beat your children they will be spoiled

  6.    This is actually a paraphrase of the original verse found in Proverbs 13:24.  The original says (New International Version), "He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him."

       Though the implication (through use of the word "rod") is that we're supposed to spank children, the thought behind the words is that we're to set limits on our children.  If we don't set those limits (i.e, discipline in whatever form you happen to follow), then we become apathetic and children learn no bounds (until the justice system shows them).

  7. it refers to the shepherd's rod used to keep sheep all together without wandering. The crook of the rod would tug the wanderer back.  A shepherd does not beat his sheep. To use it in human analogy, It would means to keep your children in line by your authority and keeping them pulled close.

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