
What does "Stupid is, as stupid does." mean? ?

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I heard it on Forest Gump with Tom Hanks.




  1. Forrest's version of the saying means that stupidity is not just a

    surface thing derived from a person's appearance. Stupidity is a

    matter of deeds, not looks. It comes down to this: judge people by what they do, not by how they appear

  2. you're only as stupid as you stupid actions.

    gump was a good man with a good heart who did good things in life. He was smarter than he looked although he was slow and his selfless actions in life showed that.

  3. It doesn't mean anything, stupid ! It was something a stupid person, like Forrest Gump, would say - it's STUPID !!!

  4. Doing a stupid thing is being stupid minded...

  5. As said by Forest Gump's  mother. He quoted her often in the movie.  It just means that stupid deeds are just that, stupid.

  6. It means if you DO something stupid, you probably ARE stupid

  7. It was intended as a cryptic, signature catch phrase for the title character, so really it may not mean anything.

    If you saw the movie, it was used as a comeback line to some of the most ignorant jackasses the character ran across.   As for meaning, pick one:

    1. "Pfft.  Well, you're ugly and your mother dresses you funny."

    -or- if you're looking for something deeper:

    2. "A man is ultimately defined by his actions" (I think Batman Begins used something like that).

    3. "If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck."

    (If a person acts like an ignorant putz, then he IS an ignorant putz).

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