
What does "That's the beauty of hindsight" mean?

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What does "That's the beauty of hindsight" mean?




  1. It means that seeing what was and what could have been is useless.  You do what you do at the time.  If twenty years from now you see it could have been done better; well "that is the beauty of hindsight"!  It is basically saying you did what needed to be done at the time!  If the future proves you wrong, well that is the...

  2. I'm thinking that in hindsight you always think of something else that you could of said or done. That's the beauty of hindsight.

  3. Looking back, you can see clearly what should have been said or done (Evaluating/critiquing past actions, especially when things did not turn out ideally, yields more effective results than those we chose at the time).

  4. Hindsight means that you are looking back at an idea,

    a decision or an event. You already know the results of

    the decision or the event. For instance say you decided to

    have unprotected s*x with your boy friend and got pregnant.

    With the beauty of hindsight you realize that you should have

    never had unprotected s*x. In this case beauty actually means

    the gift or ability to know what would happen from your

    decision.  There is another saying that is similiar 'hindsight

    has 20/20 vision"  meaning that so one says to you why did you do such a stupid thing and you reply that had you known

    it was going to end so stupidly you would have done it. ie

    you had perfect vision.

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