
What does "U care more about the wedding than getting married" supposed to mean?

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my mom said that when mostly everything during my wedding planning went wrong so i was like if it wasnt nexw week id start over next year! and shes like u care more about the wedding than getting married and i was like whats wrong with wanting everything at least almost perfect? i expected some setbacks but a rathole location compared to my previous location?....a week b4 wedding?can u imagine? NEW DIRECTIONS,INVITATIONS ARE now incorrect and things were crazy b4 that. what do u think wouldnt u want everything perfect? Long story short i was married at the rathole march 29 2008 with no a/c! lol




  1. Basically she means the fiasco with the last minute location change, invites, ETC. won't mean a darn thing in 1yr, 2,3,4 or 5yrs. But how will your MARRIAGE BE? --Thats what she meant...

    I agree, now a days too many couples care about just the 'party' and not the 'LIFELONG COMMITMENT'.

    Don't stress and just enjoy the day. Congrats & Best of luck.  

  2. it means: "the wedding is one day, the marriage is forever."

    you don't get married just for the wedding.

    in your attempt to throw a spectacular and problem-free party, you forgot the true importance of the day. you are there to commit yourself to your husband and celebrate your love. a "perfect" party is NOT an indication of a successful marriage.

    your mother had it right.

  3. i think its just hard because the divorce rate is sooooo high that many people dont wanna hear about the wedding they just wanna see if you can actually stay married. The wedding is the least important thing...

  4. It means that at the time you were both stressed to the max and said and did some things that neither one of you meant. The most important thing is that you and your love are now married and no one died in the process. I am sorry that things didn't turn out like you had wanted them to. That's never fun, especially on a day as special as your wedding.

    My wedding is in less than two months, and I've started to nitpick some stuff. Sometimes I just have to take a step back and realize that the most important thing is that I will be marrying the love of my life, and when it gets down to brass, tacks, and nails, that's all that really matters. As long as we're both there it doesn't really matter what the center pieces look like or that the flowers don't quite match, because as the years go by I doubt I'll remember much of any of it!

    Maybe in a few years you can have a vow renewal ceremony and redo the entire thing like you want. However until then look at it this way, you are now married, nothing caught on fire, no one passed out and they didn't order you the wrong dress. (a re-occuring nightmare of mine even though my gown is safely stored at my Grandmother's house)

    Good luck in the future!

  5. I've heard it said, "You care more about the wedding than the MARRIAGE" before. This means that someone is wrapped up in the wedding planning that they are not focused on creating and maintaining a healthy relationship. Maybe you can think back to the way you treated and spoke to your husband and immediate family to see if you conveyed that your relationship with them was more important than the one day event.

  6. It means that you are more concerned with the ultimately trivial details of your wedding than of making sure that you are mentally and emotionally prepared for the commitment that you are making. You are thinking more about the party and your outfit than the years with your husband (which will sometimes be difficult) that will follow.  

  7. Maybe that was what your attitude conveyed at the time. Don't let it worry you. You're married, and now you've got much bigger things on your plate than what went wrong. Think of all the things that will go right.

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