
What does "cover" mean in bar/lounge/club terms?

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What does "cover" mean in bar/lounge/club terms?




  1. 2 answers here

    a cover charge is the price you pay to get in

    a cover is a hat, and many bars/clubs/etc dont allow covers

  2. Do you mean a cover charge to get in? Many upscale bars charge to get into their club, say $5.00 or even higher. People line up outside the door, someone checks your I.D. and you pay the cover charge inside the door.

  3. A cover or cover charge is the entrance fee you must pay to get into the place.  

  4. The cover charge is the amount the management has determined will "cover" the expenses of the entertainment, etc...

  5. The price to be admitted.

  6. The biggest money making scam in the business.  

  7. How much you have to pay to get in.

  8. One of three things, usually:

    **Charge for entrance into club (IE:  "There is a $5 cover-charge)

    **A 'cover' could be referring to an actual person or persons ("That table has 5 covers)

    **A hat.  ("No covers allowed in here."

  9. if you mean cover charge, its a nuisance fee to keep out those who cannot really afford the price

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