
What does "drive-by" mean to you? How close/far does a building need be for you to use the words "drive-by"

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This is a survey. Words mean different things to different people. When you "drive-by" a building, lets say on your way home, how close to the building do you need to be before you would say you drove by it? How far before you would say you did not drive-by it?




  1. a drive by is a gang related act in which multiple gang members are in a car and shoot someone on the streets.

  2. "Drive by" here in Kommiefornia means someone shooting from a car.

  3. It really depends on how far I'm driving. If I'm driving a mile and it's a mile out of my way, then I won't say I drove by it. If I drive 100 miles or more and it's a mile out of the way then  I'd say I drove right past it.

  4. Drive by to me, means to shoot at a house or other building..

  5. in my opinion when you pass it meaning go directly past it then it is a drive by

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