
What does "faith" mean to you?

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Kitteh - Is that the standard definition, or your definition?




  1. believing against the odds

  2. Believing in something without evidence, and occasionally (but not always) in spite of contradictory evidence.

  3. Religious faith is jumping to conclusions without question backed up by fear of severe punishment.

    Scientific faith is the best guess until more is learned, and completely flexible with hopes to not be stuck in a rut like a fool.

  4. believe in something or someone  

  5. Just as written in the Bible.  No more, no less.

    Hbr 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

    The whole of that chapter is worth reading

  6. Faith: Some chick I banged last night.

  7. "Faith is believing what you know ain't so" - Mark Twain.

  8. Faith is hope, hope is nothing.

  9. George Michael's hit song.

  10. Faith (Fayth)


    Action, based upon belief, sustained by confidence. Trust.

    faithing, faithed.

    Synonymus with Strong's G4100 pisteuo


       1. to think to be true, to be persuaded of, to credit, place confidence in

             1. of the thing believed

                   1. to credit, have confidence

             2. in a moral or religious reference

                   1. used in the NT of the conviction and trust to which a man is impelled by a certain inner and higher prerogative and law of soul

                   2. to trust in Jesus or God as able to aid either in obtaining or in doing something: saving faith 1bc) mere acknowledgment of some fact or event: intellectual faith

       2. to entrust a thing to one, i.e. his fidelity

             1. to be intrusted with a thing

  11. believing without caring about the truth. This is what I think.

  12. The standard definition is belief in the absense of any evidence. I would add that such faith is irrational, and absurd.  

  13. for me it means peace

  14. Faith si to believe in God.  

    The prime message of Islam is the Unity of God, that the Creator of the world is One and He alone is worthy of worship and that Muhammad (peace and blessings on him) is His Messenger and Servant. The follower of this belief is thus a Muslim - a Muslim’s other beliefs are: God’s angels, previously revealed Books of God, all the prophets, from Adam to Jesus (peace be on them both), the Day of Judgement and indeed the Decree of God. A Muslim has five main duties to perform, namely; bearing witness to the Unity of God and Muhammad (peace and blessings on him) as His Messenger, observing the prescribed prayer, payment of Zakat, keeping the fasts of Ramadhan and performing the pilgrimage to Mecca.  


  15. the blind leading the blind

  16. faith is the hope that what you believe is true

    Why do some people feel the need to take cheap shots against people they dont agree with at every opportunity?

    Are you people just as obnoxious in the "real world?"

  17. to believe in that which can not be seen nor touched to just believe that it is there with no tangible evidence to prove it

  18. A thing with wings that poisons the soul

  19. to me it's when i trust something

    i have faith in the fact that the sun will come up tomorrow

    i have faith in my husband's love (evidence in front of me everyday)

    i have faith that all the things will happen that my experience tells me will happen

    i have faith in gravity - it has always been there - otherwise i would not wear a dress!

    i have faith in some people's behavior and responses-because i have seen them behave/respond before

    it's kind of like trust to me.  i trust things because they have been there for me in the past.  

    i just have faith in dependable things that i have learned are dependable.

  20. Faith trust, belief, acceptance of, confidence in someone or something based on evidence and not demonstration. That is, I have faith in God because I have evidence (like the creation) of His faithfulness, even though I don't see Him in the flesh. (that would be His demonstration)

  21. confidence in what i gno.

  22. Faith means that you will follow along, basically waiting for an outcome that has no basis in reality.

  23. Believing with no evidence.

  24. hope

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