
What does "good dance technique" mean?

by Guest44745  |  earlier

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my dance teacher says i have very good technique. what does that mean? i tried looking it up in the dictionary but i still don't get it. class is taking a break now so i can't ask her.

thanks much!




  1. good dance technique means you execute your dance correctly.  If you dance ballet- it means you are always turned out and everything is always where its suppose to be for the most it also goes for any type of dance, meaning your core dance moves are most likely correct in how you do can have good technique but still be a crappy dancer, its how your combine your technique with style that makes you really keep up the good work  

  2. You move your body well.

    You have good rhythem.

  3. that means that you execute the moves at a very precise level. you probably have good rythym and lines!  

  4. Well that means that each step you do, you get almost everything perfect.

    It means like your point your feet whenever doing turns, leaps, bar exercise, etc.

    It can also mean your arms are always in the right place when doing steps.

    It means a lot of things.

    Over-all I'd say it means you get the structure of the step perfect.

  5. Dance technique means you have correct form: placement, carriage, pointed feet, straight legs, good turnout, high demi pointe, deep pilé, squared hips, good posture, no crunching of the toes.. these are all part of tecnique. So even if a dancer doesn't jump the highest, or turn the best, or have the best held extentions, or dance with the most expression, they may have lovely technique if they use all or some of the things I mentioned were part of good technique. So good for you!!!

  6. You are good at dancing to the music and the way you dance is good.

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