
What does "hierarchy of matter" mean. and could anyone give a link of an illustration for it..?

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ive heard this once and i dont quite know what it means




  1. It's philosophical physics, for lack of a better term.  The best reference I know of is this:

    But I wouldn't really recommend reading it.  If you are at an educational institution your library might have a copy.  

    The term implies that there are basic particles, and things get built from them, and things get built from the things that got built, and so forth.  It may also imply that the basic particles are also constructs of more basic particles.  So the idea is relational and constructional, sort of.  If you search for

    "hierarchy subatomic particles"

    you can find a lot of stuff on the internet on this subject.  It just isn't called "hierarchy of matter" anymore.

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