
What does "jung und nicht mehr jugendfrei" mean in English?

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What does "jung und nicht mehr jugendfrei" mean in English?

It's the name of a German song, and I love this song but have no idea what it means. :)

Thanks, and if I could also ask is it hard to learn German? I really want to but is it hard? Does it help a bit that I already speak English and French?





  1. And No Longer Care For Minors

  2. It basically means "young, but not youth-free (youth-free doesn't really have a translation in English) anymore."

    I learned German when I was in 2nd grade from my grandfather. I can't say I speak it fluently, but I know enough to get around.

    Speaking French won't help as much, although many Germans will speak French, so you can have more options for pen pals. English is a Germanic language, so many of the words are the same. It's not as easy as Spanish, but the pronunciation isn't as hard as French.

    My advice is find someone to help you out with pronouncing some of the sounds (sch, ch, and all the umlauts-the letters with dots on them-are very hard for me.). Also, find a good book on grammar. I think the grammar is the hardest part of German-remember masculine and feminine from French? Well, German has 3 genders, and they all change depending on how many objects are in the sentence.

    If you want, e-mail me-we can help each other.

    "Viel Glueck-good luck!"

  3. Young and not having youth freedom more.

    To learn German is much easier than for example Chinese. English knowledge will help you. You will see much similarity between German and English.

  4. Maybe : 'Young and no more "G-rated" '

  5. english doesnt help you

    french helps

    for a native english speakers it can be pretty hard

    it means literally: young and not anymore youthfree(not good for youth)

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