
What does "kassa" in this context mean in Norwegian?

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I was reading a Nemi comic strip online in Norwegian. I am fluent in Danish and know a good Norwegian online dictionary, so I can understand them very well. But there was this one sentence I didn't understand: "Kassa på polet var nok en dårlig ide uansett." What does "kassa" mean here? Does it derive from "kasse" (cash/box)?




  1. I assume it means 'the cash register / the place where you pay."

    Kasse means:

    sted for inn- og utbetalinger i butikk, bank o l arbeide, sitte i kassa

    It's of course a feminine definite,

    en / ei kasse -- kassen / kassa -- kasser -- kassene

    So the whole sentence means:

    I guess the cashier at the liquor store was rather a bad idea, in any case.

    You didn't ask about polet but it is

    II pol n1 kortord for vinmonopol gå på p-et

    HÃ¥per det hjelper deg.

    MVH Louis

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