
What does "live and let live" mean to you?

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What does "live and let live" mean to you?




  1. Do what you like and don't interfere with others trying to do the same (unless they're harming someone.)

  2. It means that I should live my life according to my own conscience and not interfere with the rights of others to do the same.

  3. It's just another version of the old pagan code "And it harm none, do what ye will."

    A false philosophy and one that can cause great harm. People fail to realize that something that might not see harmful at first, can actually have very grave consequences. Our actions not only affect us, but those around us.

    There's no such thing as an absolute right to privacy where you can do whatever you want and "no one gets hurt."

    Hurt is not just about physical pain. Hurt can be emotional, spiritual, psychological, etc.

    Even the thoughts we keep within our hearts can be hurtful and damaging.

    Peace be to you all+

  4. Religious busybodies should stop interfering with scientific and social progress.

  5. It  means mind your own business, you live your life the way you see fit and let others do the same.

  6. The polar opposite of Live and Let Die!  When I hear this phrase, I think of the post-modern idea of humanism:  I have my truth, you have your truth.  The problem with that idea is if our your truth and my truth are not in agreement, one or both of them is not true.

    If live and let live is a message of toleration and not agreement/acceptance, I can live with that and let you live with it too!

  7. To me it means: live your own life as you wish, and let people live their own lives as they wish, even if they are to live it in a way you would not live your own.

    As long as nobody is harming anyone else, live and let live!

  8. It basically means to agree to disagree, mind your own business and do not do to others what you wouldn't want others to do to you ie: telemarketers calling in the middle of the night is not a good example of live and let live. From this example, try to be creative and think of other types of people who act like annoying telemarketers.

  9. Let me live the way I wish to and I will let you live the way you wish to.

    Unfortunately that is never the way it goes

  10. To me it means I live my life by my standards and allow others to do the same. I don't need to agree with other people in order to get along with them. Honoring everyone's rights to their own beliefs is what life is about.  

  11. Live and speak the truth of the moment with total faith and let the chips fall where they may

  12. Am I my brothers keeper?

  13. "I won't be any harder on you than on myself."

    Motto from "Atheist Boot Camp"

    God love you!

  14. Live for yourself and allow others to do so to. Treat others the way that you'd like to be treated

  15. When you were young, and your heart was an open book.

    You used to say live and let live.

    (You know you did, you know you did, you know you did)

    But in this ever changing world in which we live in, makes you give in and cry ... say live and let die.

    I truly believe that "live and let live" is the innocent form of "live and let die".

    In the end, "live and let live" means don't care, it's none of your business, it's more important to be politically correct than to be real.  It's their life, let them destroy themselves if that's what they choose to do.

    In western culture, freedom is venerated and considered more important than almost anything else.  In eastern culture, duty is venerated and considered more important.  The truth probably lies somewhere in between.

  16. dont be bothered how others live their life, and live yours as you would like (within reason of course, example: dont go wild and kill people or let others kills people just for the heck of it)

  17. It means you do your thing and I do mine and I could care less unless it is illegal or impedes my freedom to do my thing.

    So, when people are ready to actually let me do my thing - that means not getting on here and telling me they're gonna laugh as I burn in h**l, that I deserve to be raped and tortured by demons, etc etc, then we might actually get close to that.

    So, think you and the first answerer can manage to follow live and let live yourselves?

    Veritas - that's a Wiccan code, NOT a pagan code. Please don't confuse the two.  MOST pagans don't follow the rede.

  18. On the top level, don't kill and you won't get killed. Deeper than that, let people live their lives as they want, as you live your life as you want.

    By the way, relativism rarely works

  19. Indeed.

    Yes, people should look that up on here eh?

  20. Exactly as it states.  

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