
What does "lol" mean?

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I keep seeing it on here and for the life of me, I havent a clue what it means?




  1. laugh out loud.

    LAMO = laughing my !@# of

    ROFL = rolling on floor laughing

    Use urbandictionary for more internet slang.

  2. Laughing Out Loud !

  3. lmfao = laughed my f***ing Ar*e off

    lol= laugh out loud.

    there's so many of these things it hard to keep track. most of em are common sense tho and you soon get a good idea of what people are getting at. ;-)

  4. It's what people say when they're not really laughing but want to seem polite. It's completely overused and a good example of this is the folowwing conversation between me and my ex girlfriend:

    'I'm just popping to get some f**s lol'

    'okay lol, have fun'

    What the f**k is so funny about popping to the shops?

  5. OMFG


  6. I think laugh out loud: it is an  empty-word used like a 'filler' in my opinion (I am not a mother tongue)

  7. it has a few different meanings, the most common being 'laugh out loud'

    but there's also lots of love, lots of laughs.

  8. Laugh out loud - never used to use that term but all the time now :)

  9. Good question Sassy.

    While "lol" could mean - laughing out loud,

    the word "lol" is wrongly used most times on this site.

    Looks as if  the users  does not know the meaning, but like to end their answers with "lol"

    "lol"  users, please take note

  10. lol means laugh out loud its pretty obvios

  11. As you have read above many times "LOL" meens "LaughOutLoud". There are many other abreviations like "BRB" "BeRightBack". "BBL" "BeBackLater". One more is "ROFL" wich meens "RollOnFloorLaughing".

  12. Laugh Out Loud.

    LMAO means  Laugh My *** Off! I used to think it ment  lame-o! :)

  13. laughing out loud of course also try lmao laughing my *** off

  14. laugh out loud...... wahahhahahaahha ++++++

  15. mianly lough out loud as you already know but it could also mean:




  16. Laugh out loud


    Lots of love

  17. Laugh out loud

    Lots of love

  18. laugh out loud

    or love on line lol

  19. lol may mean lots of things. But the most common uses for lol are Laugh Out Loud and Lots Of Love. There are many other shorteners like BRB (be right back) bbl (be back later) nm (nothin much) and jl2m (just listening to music).

  20. L=Laughing or Laugh





  21. LOL = laugh out loud

    Use this URL for email shorthand

  22. lol means laugh out loud

  23. laughing out loud

  24. Laugh out loud.....

    even though everyone else said it...might as well say it too =)

    or lots of love but most people only use it for laugh out loud

  25. laugh out loud lol. xx

  26. Lots of Laughing

  27. Laughing Out Loud!!!

  28. laugh out loud

    Other common abbreviations:

    rofl - roll on the floor laughing

    brb - be right back

    afk - away from the keyboard

    ttyl - talk to you later

  29. laugh out loud

    lots of love

    Other common abbreviations:

    rofl - roll on the floor laughing

    brb - be right back

    afk - away from the keyboard

    ttyl - talk to you later

    lmao - laughing my *** off

    ly - love you

    hope that helps

  30. Laugh out Loud..Lots of Love. I just say lol whenever someone says something hilarious to me. People like me use it on MSN instead of typing 'laugh out loud!!'. lol

  31. laugh out loud
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