
What does "make my day" mean?

by Guest64003  |  earlier

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when somebody says " thanks, that made my day"

what does he mean? does it mean "make him happy"?




  1. it means that you have done something nice that has made them happy . :]

  2. To make one's day happy.

  3. It means 2 things depending on what tone of voice he used.

    (In a Low/mad voice) Ugh, Make My Day- means he wants something good to happen

    (In a Happy and Loud voice) Make My DAY!- means a negative response

  4. Yes he's happy; that was the nicest thing that had happened to him that day.

  5. it means you made him happy for the day.

  6. It means someone had s*x with him

  7. yes it means, you made his day good.

  8. made my day, make my day... make me happy or you brought a smile to my face and you made my day.. thanks for cheering me up, thanks for making me smile.. all positive things.  

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