
What does "rob you blind", mean?

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i just want to know what it means because my ex keeps telling me that, and i keep getting confused on what he's trying to say to me. is it something bad, or hurtful?




  1. It's to trick someone so you can steal form them

  2. I means to take or steal from someone everything they own or possess - and the person doing the stealing could be blind and still be able to do it, because the victim is too trusting.  

  3. It means someone steals a whole lot from you.  

  4. yes it is..he probably means that you always took advantage of him financially.... Its certainly not a nice thing to say, that is for sure.

  5. To be robbed blindly is not noticing that you're getting robbed, even though it's happening right in front of your face.  

  6. im going to take from you secretely

  7. when rob just nicks ur best mate

  8. it means that you were taken advantage of, you may be niave.  Possibly that someone robbed you and you are unaware of it.

    stuff like that.  

  9. To rob or steal somebody blind means to steal everything from them mercylissly. The allusion to "blind" is not very clear. Possibly it means stealing everything, including their eyesight.

  10. when someone steals something from you without you even noticing

  11. it means take absolutely everything from you.

    its a negative thing.

  12. It means take your stuff dur.

  13. means the thug will rob you then punch you in yo face til you go blind

  14. too pay way too much for something. For example if you pay 100$ for something at a garage sale that cost them 2$, they have "robbed you blind"

  15. Rob you blind = I'm pretty sure it means that someone is taking something from you and you don't even realize its worth/you don't notice ..

  16. when they rob u and u didn't notice

  17. cheat you out of your money

  18. It means someone is taking your possessions or money without you knowing it is happening until it is too late to do anything about it. In the case of your ex,  it is being said as though he is losing or having to give up too much by you and he doesn't like it. Sometimes it is referred to the government who is robbing us blind with all the special interests and taxes we are paying. Or, the grocery stores or other merchants who put high prices on the things they sell that we can't do anything about and can't do without. It is just an old saying pertaining to anything that we own that we don't want to give freely to someone else.

  19. it means take evertthing u got

  20. If he says "Man you are going to rob me blind" it means take everything he has.

    I don't know where the saying comes from but I will give you a star for a great question!!

  21. When somebody takes everything you have without you even knowing, as if you were a blind person.

  22. It means tricked you without you noticing. I think

  23. I think it just means to steal everything you have. Don't ask where the blind factor comes in.

  24. It's bad, it means to take all the things and money you have.

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