
What does"royal highness "mean ? and " your majesty"??

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are these superior intellects? what makes them like this?




  1. These titles just point out a person's status in the royal scheme of things,more of a "job description" than anything else. "Your Majesty" refers to a reigning monarch,while "Your Highness" refers to any royal prince/princess,duke/duchess and the like.These courtesy titles don't imply any superior intellect,but a link to a powerful family.

  2. Majesty is an English word derived ultimately from the Latin Maiestas, meaning Greatness. Originally, during the Roman republic, the word maiestas was the legal term for the supreme status and dignity of the state, to be respected above everything else. After the fall of Rome, Majesty was used to describe a Monarch of the very highest rank - indeed, it was generally applied to God. The title was then also assumed by Monarchs of great powers as an attempt at self-praise and despite a supposed lower royal style as a King or Queen, who would thus often be called "His or Her Royal Majesty."

    Royal Highness (abbreviation HRH) is a style (His Royal Highness or Her Royal Highness). It appears in front of the names of some members of some royal families other than the King or Queen. Highness is literally the quality of being lofty or high, and used as a style of dignity and honor, to signify exalted rank or station.

  3. These silly titles only means something if you live in some commonwealth countries, there's only one superior intellect or person & thats Jesus.   As a republican ( in the British term of the word and not the American) I would rather see the end to the monarchy when the present Queen Elizabeth the second passes away.

    The Monarchy symbolizes the class system, which has a cruel history and is still evidently present in some quarters of British society.

    I cannot except how a family by accident of birth can be placed above the average British citizen, especially as they are a bunch of interloping Germans and Greeks without a drop of Celtic blood in their veins unlike most of their true British subjects.

    It is about time Britain shrugs off its medieval past and enters finally a future of equality and modernism.

    Personally ,Royalty is the outdated remnant of feudal privilege and only serves to perpetuate the obnoxious class system and snobbery.

    I'd rather England become a republic and the descendants of what is unarguably an imported German dynasty asked nicely to vacate the throne and switch off the lights before returning home.

    By the way unless William is g*y he wont have a Beau he'll hopefully have a Belle.

  4. His/Her Royal Highness is a title given to members of different royal families across the world, I know of about 7 or 8.  The royal families in Commonwealth Realms or U.K. (House of Windsor), Bhutan (House of Wangchuck), Sweden (House of Bernadotte), Nepal (Shah Dynasty), Netherlands (House of Orange-Nassau), Norway (House of Oldenburg) and I believe Luxembourg (House of Bourbon-Parme).  

    ---HRH is a title given to members of the royal families that are not the Queen or King.  

    ---It is not an automatic title either.  In some instances a royal child is not styled with HRH.  For instance, Queen Elizabeth II's (British Queen) youngest son  has asked that his children not be styled with HRH...they are simply Lady Louise Windsor and Viscount Severn.  

    The houses above also use the style of His/Her Majesty plus the House of Dlamini in Swaziland (which doesn't use the style HRH).

    ----His/Her Majesty is a style give to a King or Queen of a country or realm upon their ascention to the throne.  

    ----This title cannot be given to just anyone and it is must be the reigning monarch and their consort (wife or husband)

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