
What does-- "science is a way of knowing." mean?

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finals stuff.

anyone know what that statement in the quote means?





  1. Science is a powerful "way of knowing" based on experimentation and observations of the natural world. We depend on science for unbiased and verifiable information to make important decisions about our lives. Although there are other ways of knowing* that may be important in our personal and cultural lives, they rely on opinion, belief, and other factors rather than on evidence and testing.

    The scientific method utilizes a series of facts, hypotheses, laws, and theories to explain observations in the natural world. Everyday use of these terms is different than in the scientific context, leading to unintentional and intentional confusion.

    *Ways of knowing used in society include the following:


    Parents, teachers, community leaders, and physicians are all figures of authority. The level of trust we have in them depends on our personal experiences and access to knowledge about them.


    God or gods, or other external or internal supernatural powers can impart or support beliefs. There are numerous deities and levels and types of belief within any society.


    Logic includes tests and rules that help to identify what is true and false. It is an important element of scientific inquiry but is limited by its lack of reference to the natural world.

    Scientific Inquiry:

    Science provides knowledge based on empirical evidence from the natural world. Science is the only way of knowing that provides explanations that are testable and verifiable. Ideas in science accumulate over time and are subject to revision and change.

  2. It's just a way to describe the process behind finding things out in the physical world. As opposed to just guessing or making generalizations - there are steps involved so that the answers or lack of answers you get are valid. This is called the scientific method. Here's what some of the steps could be:

       1. Define the question

       2. Gather information and resources (observe)

       3. Form hypothesis

       4. Perform experiment and collect data

       5. Analyze data

       6. Interpret data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypothesis

       7. Publish results

       8. Retest (frequently done by other scientists)

    Science is nice but I wouldn't go as far to say that anything you cannot prove or provide evidence for does not exist or is not real.

  3. We use science to explain the observations of the physical world we experience everyday.  Why does something drop? gravity.  Why does iron rust? oxidation.  Science allows us to "know" the physical world.

    my opinion not a reference.

  4. Science offers a method (the scientific method) for obtaining knowledge. There are other ways to obtain knowledge (reading,listening, conversations, lived experience) but these ways do not produce scientific knowledge. So science is one way (not the only way) of knowing.


  5. I prefer, "Science is a way of finding out."  Since science is an objective mode of gathering information and (usually) a means of making unbiased observation, the information it provides (usuall) exists independent of dogma or subjective experience.

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