
What does "seeing the world through rose colored glasses mean?

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What does "seeing the world through rose colored glasses mean?




  1. It means you only see the positive and ignore the negative.  It doesnt mean you are optimistic.  It means you are more along the lines of naive.

  2. I see it as seeing the world through cheating. in a card game if you have on rose colored glasses you can see right through the cards.

  3. Looking through "rose colored glassses" means always looking on the positive side of things.  Even if things are a mess you always have a positive mental outlook.  Seeing the best in everyone and everything.

  4. It means approaching life's events and experiences optimistically,with  an upbeat frame of mind that doesn't acknowledge  problems or a downside.


    Ever since Brad met Angie, he's been looking at the world through rose-colored glasses.

  5. It means seeing only the good in everything which, while it might be nice, isn't a practical way to live.

  6. That you are seeing things in a fantasy.

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