
What does "sowing your oats" mean

by Guest55791  |  earlier

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and what is the typical age range for the sowing to begin/end




  1. doing all the wild and crazy things you want to do before getting older,settling down,marrying,career,children!!

  2. It means checking out all your options with the ladies (or guys) before you settle down. (I think it's referring to having s*x with whomever before being faithful to one).

  3. 17 ish. I think it means having s*x.

  4. oh i thought it means like reproducing? like sowing your seed if you catch my drift, spreading your genes kinda thing?

  5. It means to "spread your seeds" as in a guy spreading his genes.  It starts at puberty and doesn't end until death.

  6. It's actually a load of bullshit these days.

    It's what young men are supposedly meant to do and has no health benefits and is not necessary.

    It means when a male is promiscuous, sleeping around with as many women as possible to 'sow his oats', meaning to 'plant his seeds', meaning to impregnate lots of women. This was the way thousands of years ago when our ultimate goal was to keep increasing our race.

    But it's not needed these days.

    These days we use it as a phrase that just means a young male who likes to sleep around because he is single and that is his lifestyle, but men are more inclined to use protection these days since getting lots of women pregnant isn't ideal.

    The age range is just from young adult onwards.

  7. it means 'being wild'

  8. it means being open and available for casual relations and/or s*x.  

  9. Believe it or not, the Amish (yes, those hat-wearing, technology-avoiding conservatives) actually have a time in an adolescent's age when they are "allowed" to do just that - sow their wild oats. They call it "rumspringa."

    Regardless of Amish or not, the term is typically used to describe a person who goes through a time of basically partying and lots and lots of s*x with lots and lots of people. While it usually occurs during your later teen years, it can happen later too.

  10. i always thought it meant having children, like preserving ur family bloodline or something O.o

    but thats just what i assume, i could be wrong...

  11. s*x alot of sweet s*x

  12. Diggin' deep into girls.

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