
What does "thats what she/he said" mean???

by  |  earlier

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Everyone i know has been saying that lately, and I am clueless as to what it means, HELP PLEASE!!!




  1. It's used to add sexual innuendo to a conversation; to imply that what is being talked about was actually a sexual statement.

    guy 1: wow, that's a really big spear!

    guy 2: that's what she said!

  2. People say, "That's what she said," if somebody says something innocent that could be regarded as sexual in a different context. For example, I was playing soccer with a group of friends once. The ball slipped between my friend's feet when he tried to kick it and he said, "Sorry, it slipped between my legs." Another friend immediately replied with, "That's what she said." It's fairly juvenile and immature...

  3. Think sexually when they say it. You'll get it.

  4. it means that is what she said during s*x pretty much. usually follows a perverted comment.

  5. oh... not this again :)

    it means (don't read if you are easily disturbed!!)




    that's what the guy/girl you had s** with last night said.

    um... ya. don't worry, i went through about like, 5 months of my friends saying this until i finally understood... >_<

  6. Do  you  know  English  language?  cn  you   understand  it?  And  why  can"t  you understand  it  if  you  know  English  language.

    He  is  just  stating  that  what  the  other  person  told  is  what   he   really  mean. OK?

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