
What does "tool" mean as a dis??

by Guest64878  |  earlier

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Ive heard people be called Tools and i always want to know.

what does it mean?




  1. according to urban

    "One who lacks the mental capacity to know he is being used. A fool. A cretin. Characterized by low intelligence and/or self-steem"

  2. It's like you're a tool- people use you when they need you and you don't protest.  

  3. I doubt ou heard "tools" - more likely it was "you are just a tool of" and that would be different.

    Tool:  object, useful object to modify environmnet.  So - somebody used you as a hammer.  Bit hard on the head, yes?  Also means you aren't thinking for yourself.

  4. It refers to the male reproductive organ.

  5. It one of many alternatives to describe the male member. Prique is also disparagingly used, as is qunt for females;  but not in polite society.

  6. If you find that someone is described as a tool of a particular person, group, or ideology, you mean that the person is controlled and used by that person, group or ideology , especially to do unpleasant or dishonest things. This word is used showing disapproval.

    ex....He became the tool of the security services.

    ex....Mr.Torr said he would not serve in the army which was a tool of apartheid.


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