
What does radiation do to the skin cells, causing the skin to melt?

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For example, when the atomic bombs were dropped in Japan, people had their skins melting away.




  1. Radiation is basically a bunch of small but very energetic particles or wave-packets hitting your skin-cells. Some forms of radiation (Gamma-rays and Beta -rays) can even penetrate through the skin, causing damage all over your body. Gamma-waves routinely penetrate many meters of solid rock wall.

    These energetic particles/rays hit the cells and break their structure through a process called ionization. The damage depends on the amount of exposure. They also have more lasting effects than just skin melting away. Usually, when the radiation is severe enough to melt skin, the skin is the last thing you should worry about, because radiation can cause failings in ANY of the body's functionalities, the worst case scenario is terminal. Cancer is the most well known disease that's sometimes radiation-induced.

    But radiation shouldn't be something to be afraid of. The Human body is very resistant to small amounts of radiation. Besides, every place contains a little radiation. I've personally measured my own body to radiate at 6 Bq (particles per second). Your body probably does that too. The Sun also radiates, and there's no way to avoid exposure to radiation whenever you're outside. But as I said, these are relatively small amounts. However, excessive sunbathing can cause skin-cancer.

  2. atomic radiation is consist of alpha, beta and gama radiations which are very penetrating because they are made of atomic particles, this particles hit the skin with high frequency and so with very high energy, some of the particles have high positive charge and react with molecules of skin and break the bonds. that's where the "melting" thing happens

    hope it is clear enough.  


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