
What does ramadan mean?

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why are muslims so looking forward to ramadan.. i don't understand, you starve and suffer all day?

can you please explain what actually happens? do you get nice parties at night?




  1. ramadan means to me a special month when rewards of good deeds (which we normally do anyway) is multiplied.

    ppl are more charitable, generous etc. (at least tries to)

    one is not to get angry, backbite, swear and other bad things.

    we get to go for special prayer called tarawih at night, and be with the Muslims, and might get the chance to hear a short talk in the middle of prayer.

    usually different customs make special different food that is enjoyed everyday at iftar time/when breaking fast.  this is specially loved by children who are not even in the age of fasting yet.

    to do something in the cause to seek the face of the Lord is very rewarding... i mean, the feeling, and the cleansing of the heart. and the anticipation to break the fast, often sitting with family or other muslims is a very wonderful experience.

    many ppl compete to do good deeds that increases the amount of good deed, more cleansing, and makes it more enjoyable.

    fasting is a shield from the h**l fire.  there are clear rewards of this world and the hereafter for those who sincerely fasts by obeying the command of the Lord.  so more than anything else, the details given in Islamic values for fasting (the 4th pillar of islam), and seeking the mercy, forgiveness, righteousness, rewards makes it the most beneficial and wonderful.

  2. you fast from sunrise until sundown to rember the poor people who are starving. you can do anything at night

  3. You dont starve all day!! and its called FASTING, you just dont eat from when the sun rises till the sun sets, and you have to do it for a whole month, its so that they would feel how the hungry&poor people feel. and you dont get parites everynight, its just after you finished fasting for the whole month you have a party.

  4. we dont have a problem with it, so why should you??, do you hear any of us complainin,  so what is your point

  5. here's some basic info on ramadan in islam with a day to day experience :)

    check em out :D


  6. I noticed that people unfamiliar with Islam or non-Muslims in general always focus on the eating/drinking aspect of Ramadan, or the lack thereof.  Actually by doing so, one is missing the point.  The fasting is a part of ramadan for sure, but it is only one part.  The spiritual aspect of ramadan is what matters the most and that is why we so much look forward to ramadan every year.  The fasting is the only thing we which we do that is solely for the pleasure of God.  Everything else we do, like prayers or giving alms either benefits us personally or someone else.  The fasting is simply an act of obedience to God and by doing so we are showing God our fidelity and sincerity.  Ramadan is also a month for good & charitable works, asking for and receiving forgiveness.  We are also learning for a few hours a day how it feels to go without, so it is a lesson in humility as well.  That is why we get so excited when Ramadan comes and so sad when it is over.  

  7. It precisely what you said starving and suffering all day.

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