
What does red bull taste like?

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Can somone describe the taste of reb bull to me? Does the original taste better than sugar free? And also, i'll be 12 in 13 days, would it be really bad if i consumed 1 red bull within 15 mins. Please answer and thank you.




  1. Red Bull tastes like electric grapefriut. That is the best way I know how to describe it and the stuff is garbage aimed at people who only think they need that c**p to keep on top. No 12 year old needs that garbage~ leave it alone. There are better things out there for you.

  2. Drink it and find out.  Young people shouldn't drink c**p like Red Bull but it won't kill you.

  3. well, if you're under the age of 18, well so i've heard on the news, if u drink things with a lot of caffine in it, it could cause you an early age heartattack.  but to me i think the sugar free one tastes better.  but the taste is like drinking a highly caffinated diet coke.  it doesn't taste like the diet coke though.  it has this kind of an apple-ish taste to it.  extremely carbonated, which makes you burp a lot.  and the tangyness to the taste also puts a shock to your jaw system.  and if u drink it in 15 minutes, it shouldn't hurt.  just as long as u drink one every two or three days it shouldn't bother your heart either.  any more than tht, u may have some problems.

  4. All a can of Red Bull or any engery drink boils down to is a strong cup of cold bitter coffee with lots of sugar.

    I like coffee with sugar but think Red Bull and the other engery drinks taste yucky...if that tells you anything.

  5. poo

  6. I wouldn't try Red Bull or any energy drink for that matter. Energy drinks are unhealthy. The best way to have extra energy is through sleeping well at night or taking nap(s) during the day. If you really want something you could consume that will give you energy, have green tea.

    There's an age restriction in energy drinks due to health, a clear sign telling you that they are not really that safe!!! The company worries that if you have the drink, it could elevate the heart rate at an unhealthy high and cause medical problems.

    So, if you want to stay energized:

    -sleep well (at times, that's easier said than done)

    -take 6-20 minute naps

    -exercise and/or do deep meditation breathing (your body needs the oxygen!!)

    -drink green tea or try Emergen-C, it has Vitamin C and vitamins.

    Hope this helps! (:

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